Some of our stories are inspiring. Some of our stories are heartbreaking, and many stories remain forever unknown.
There are many stories we have never heard. There are many heroes who have never been applauded.
We all are fighting our own battles, and in most cases, one is not aware of the battle of a random stranger. Most of our stories remain unknown and unrevealed to the world.
Some of our stories are inspiring. Be inspired by those stories.
Latest Stories
Md Mostafa, An Ex-Driver and a Boatman from Noakhali
'If you lie, you can make a good profit as well as you can prevail as a good friend and colleague. Neither did I want to lie nor did I want to profit by fooling others. There's no glory in these.' This is what Md Mostafa said today, and once again I was amazed by a...
Mosammat Mitu, a Handicraft Worker from Dashuria, Pabna, Bangladesh
Handicraft industry in Bangladesh not only promises increasing foreign currency earnings but also women empowerment. Approximately 4,00,000 women are at present involved in this industry, and Mosammat Mitu is one of them. She is at present working at BD Creation in Dashuria, Pabna, Bangladesh and earning Taka 5,000 (58$) a month.
Johirul from Chattogram, Bangladesh
Johirul, approximately a 12 years old child has been working in a factory to earn his living. When I asked him about his dream, he answered “Nothing, no dream, I just want to live and have food three times a day”.